Thursday, May 8, 2014

Facts versus Fiction in White House Climate Report

Steven Goddard has an excellent compilation of climate facts that thoroughly debunk the claims by the White House climate report that the USA is suffering through extreme weather caused by anthropogenic CO2 emissions:
  1. Global sea ice area is near a record high for the date
  2. Antarctic sea ice area is at a record high for the date
  3. No global warming for almost two decades
  4. Last two years were the quietest on record for US tornadoes
  5. Last year was a near record low season for Atlantic hurricanes
  6. Nine years without a major US hurricane (category 3-5) strike – longest on record.
  7. Obama’s presidency has had the fewest hurricanes of any presidency
  8. US cooling since 1940
  9. Coldest year on record so far in the US
  10. Record springtime ice on the Great Lakes
  11. Northern Hemisphere winter snow cover since 2004, was the highest decade on record
  12. US winter temperatures have been plummeting since 2000

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